來源/作者: TPM咨詢服務(wù)中心 丨 發(fā)布時間:2020-06-16 丨 瀏覽次數(shù):
TPM咨詢服務(wù)中心TPM管理咨詢公司概述:今天分享的是TPM英文,主題是:Three key factors for Total Productive Maintenance success-TPM成功的三大關(guān)鍵因素,全文1540余字,歡迎閱讀與分享!
What do we have to do to make sure our investment in TPM pays off? How can we ensure we reap the promised business benefits?
We can’t give you a magic wand that ensures instant results. But we can share with you these three vital activities practised by JIPM award winning companies, such as Coca-Cola Beverages, Panasonic and Tetra Pak.
You will notice a common denominator for all three; time. TPM is not something that can be implemented overnight. Organisations take five years and more to even become eligible for the first level of awards.
The good news is that it doesn’t take that long for the performance benefits to start accruing. The sooner you start your pilot activities the sooner you can see a difference and improve your bottom line.
1.Obtain commitment from the very top
It’s no coincidence that the very first step on the 12 step journey is called “Declaration by management”.
The senior management team must first understand the reasons their company is embarking on this journey. And then they must communicate their intention to the entire workforce.
2. Integrate TPM activities into your company’s policy and strategy
Companies that are serious about using TPM to continuously improve their business performance, integrate it into their existing Policy Deployment plans. In fact this is the focus of the work in step 4 of the 12 step journey.
Think of it as a two pronged approach to support achievement of:
-Daily performance targets derived from customer requirements.
-Stretch goals derived from the annual policies.
Treating TPM as a set of activities additional to your short term or long term targets.
You may have already experienced this scenario. You put a lot of time and effort into training your production associates in Autonomous Maintenance (AM). Once the production plan is complete the teams stop and move onto their AM work. Initially output and quality improve and unplanned downtime is reducing. AM works!
Then one Friday you haven’t met the plan, so you keep manufacturing. Maybe your order book is increasing or you had a particularly unusual and lengthy breakdown.
What we find is that if this happens regularly, the benefits of the TPM programme become forgotten and production output at all costs is the priority. The TPM activities cease over time, morale decreases and people become resistant to new initiatives.
Instead of treating TPM as a set of bolt on activities, integrate it. Specifically target use of the tools to prevent that breakdown happening again and to increase capacity over time.
The tools need to become part of daily working, not something scheduled for the end of the week. This applies at the shop floor as much as it does the boardroom.
3. Include every single person in the organisation
In a previous blog we learned that the main aim of TPM is to achieve zero losses. These losses can occur in every function and at every level within your business.
So to root out every loss you need to involve people from every function and at every level.
When only a proportion of the workforce are involved we always find losses and, of course, the costs associated with them.
- 上一篇:水泥廠TPM備件管理作用分析
- 下一篇:TPM對計量工作的重要性